do wash sale apply to crypto

do wash sale apply to crypto

Do Wash Sales Apply to Cryptocurrency?

Hey readers,

Welcome to our in-depth guide on whether wash sales apply to cryptocurrency. In this article, we’ll delve into the nuances of tax laws and their implications for crypto investors. Let’s get started.

What Are Wash Sales?

Wash sales are transactions involving the sale and repurchase of the same or substantially similar assets within a short time frame. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers wash sales to be a tax avoidance strategy and disallows the deduction of losses on such transactions.

Cryptocurrency and Wash Sales

While wash sales typically apply to stocks, bonds, and other traditional investments, the IRS has extended this rule to cryptocurrency transactions as well. This means that if you sell crypto assets at a loss and then repurchase similar assets within 30 days, the loss will not be deductible.

Exceptions to the Wash Sale Rule

There are a few exceptions to the wash sale rule:

De Minimis Exception

If the repurchased assets are different from the sold assets by a de minimis amount, the wash sale rule will not apply. The IRS does not specify a specific de minimis amount for cryptocurrency transactions.

Hedging Transactions

bona fide hedging transactions are not subject to the wash sale rule. A hedging transaction is one that is entered into to reduce risk, such as selling a cryptocurrency to offset the risk of a futures position.

In addition to the wash sale rule, several other tax laws can impact crypto investors:

Like-Kind Exchanges

Like-kind exchanges allow taxpayers to defer taxes on the sale of property if they exchange it for similar property. The IRS treats cryptocurrency as property for this purpose.

Capital Gains and Losses

Cryptocurrency transactions are subject to capital gains and losses taxes. Short-term gains (held for less than one year) are taxed at ordinary income tax rates, while long-term gains (held for more than one year) are taxed at a lower rate.

Table: Wash Sale Rules for Cryptocurrency Transactions

Action Result
Sell crypto at a loss Loss not deductible if repurchased within 30 days
Sell crypto at a gain Gain taxed at applicable rate
Sell crypto and repurchase different crypto May be a de minimis exception
Hedging transaction Not subject to wash sale rule
Like-kind exchange Taxes deferred until sale of replacement property


Understanding the wash sale rule is crucial for crypto investors. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can avoid penalties and ensure compliance with tax laws.

For more information on tax implications for cryptocurrency, check out our other articles:

FAQ about Wash Sales & Cryptocurrency

Does the wash sale rule apply to crypto?

Yes, the wash sale rule applies to cryptocurrency transactions.

How does the wash sale rule affect crypto investments?

If you sell a crypto asset at a loss and buy back the same asset within 30 days, the loss may be disallowed for tax purposes.

What is the holding period for wash sales on crypto?

30 days. Any new purchase within this period will result in a disallowed loss.

What happens if I sell a crypto for a loss and buy back a similar asset?

The loss may also be disallowed if the new asset is “substantially identical.” This includes cryptocurrencies with similar features and economic value.

Can I use a wash sale to reduce my tax liability?

No. Wash sales are not permitted for tax avoidance purposes. The IRS disallows the loss to prevent artificial tax deductions.

What is the purpose of the wash sale rule?

To prevent taxpayers from profiting from tax avoidance schemes by repeatedly buying and selling an asset to generate artificial losses.

How do I avoid a wash sale on crypto?

Wait at least 30 days after selling a crypto asset before buying back the same or a substantially identical asset.

What are the consequences of a wash sale violation?

The loss on the sale may be disallowed, increasing your taxable income and potentially resulting in a tax penalty.

Does the wash sale rule apply to all crypto transactions?

No. Wash sales only apply to transactions involving cryptocurrencies that are considered “securities” by the IRS.

How can I determine if a crypto asset is considered a “security”?

Consult with a tax professional or refer to the IRS guidance on determining whether a crypto asset is a security for tax purposes.
